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10 Levels of Qualifications

There are 10 levels of qualifications in the Australian framework. These are managed by the governement under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Level 1 is lowest level of academic qualification, while Level 10 is the highest level.

Click on each level below to see the award/qualification is, how long it takes, and what you can do with it.


Level 1

Certificate 1 = 6 months to 1 year

Upon graduating from this level you will have the knowledge and skills for initial work, community involvement, and order additional learning.

Level 2

Certificate II = 6 months to 1 year

Upon graduating from this level you will have knowledge and skills to work in a specific context, and/or for continued learning.

Level 3

Certificate III = 1 to 2 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will understand theory and practical knowledge, have the skills to work, and/or to continue your education.

Level 4

Certificate IV = 6 months to 2 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have the theory and practical knowledge, and the skills to specialise in skilled work, and/or to continue your learning.

Level 5

Diploma = 1 to 2 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have specialised knowledge and skills to practice skilled or semi-professional work, and/or to continue your education.

Level 6

Associate degree = 2 years / Advanced diploma = 1.5 to 2 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have extensive knowledge and skills for semi-professional or highly skilled work, and to continue your education.

Level 7

Bachelor degree = 3 to 4 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have a wide scope of knowledge and skills for professional work, and /or to continue your education.

Level 8

Graduate diploma = 1 to 2 years / Graduate certificate = 6 months to 1 year / Bachelor honours degree = 1 year

Upon graduating at this level, you will have advanced knowledge and skills for professional or highly skilled work, and/or to continue your education.

Level 9

Masters degree (extended) = 3 to 4 years / Masters degree (coursework) = 1 to 2 years / Masters degree (research) = 1 to 2 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have specialised knowledge and skills for research, professional practice, and/or to continue your education.

Level 10

Doctoral degree = 3 to 4 years

Upon graduating from this level, you will have an extremely deep understanding in the complex area of learning, specialised research skills to advance learning, and/or for professional practice.

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