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Adult Migrant English Program

The Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) is Australia’s biggest migrant settlement program. It is funded by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)

Eligible migrants and refugees who do not have functional (strong) English can receive, free of charge, 510 hours of English training  – or for as many hours as it takes to get to a functional level, if that comes first). There is a 5-year time limit to complete the hours.  Classes are offered in more than 250 locations across the country. For humanitarian entrants with limited education or a history of torture or trauma, an additional 400 hours might be provided.


English Training for Australian Life

The goal of the program is help newcomers successfully integrate into Australian life as soon as possible. English proficiency is the key to making it in the workplace, in further education and in day-to-day life.  Aside from English as a Second Language training focusing on grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and pronunciation, the courses also focus on Australian customs, culture, and way of life.  The culture of the Australian workplace is also covered.


Improve Your ESL Skills

The training has been created to accommodate the diverse cultural and linguistic needs of the learners.  Migrants can study English at their own pace through face-to-face or through home-based online learning or with a volunteer home tutor. Parents of school-age children can also receive free childcare while they are studying.

On your first visit to AMEP, you will have an interview with an AMEP counselor. This person will help you plan your learning goals, and support you through the program.


Migrant Language Course Participation

According to Department of Immigration and Citizenship website, approximately 59% of eligible migrants enrolled in AMES in 2010-2011.  Here are the figures for how many of each group of newcomers started in the program:


  • 85% of humanitarian/refugee stream
  • 55% of family migration stream
  • 39% of skilled migration stream

In 2010-11, the average hours of study were 362, with 55, 134 people in the study program. Students came from 191 countries and 253 language backgrounds (the most popular were Mandarin, Arabic and Vietnamese). 66% of students were female; 34% male.

Learn more about AMEP.
