Expression of Interest (EOI)
Applying for a skilled migrant visa through SkillSelect has two distinct steps.
The first is to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI). The EOI is completed online, and is free of charge.
The application asks you specific information including your date of birth, work experience, education, English proficiency, and skills assessments which you have done in the past. Through this, the government can decide whether or not you are eligible to move to the next step and apply for a visa.
The EOI does not ask you to submit any documentation – this will be done in the visa application later.
If you are a successful, you will then be invited through an ‘invitation letter’ to apply for a visa. This letter outlines the steps you need to take in the visa application process. The type of visa you apply for will depend on your situation and goals.
To complete your EOI, please visit the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
Good luck!