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Money Introduction

When migrating, have your finances in order, both in Australia and your home country. In this section, we help you with decisions and planning regarding your money and finances. Opening a bank account before you come, transferring money, insurance, Tax File Numbers, credit cards, superannuation, buying a house, paying taxes…we help with all of it!

Managing Finances

Your family’s financial situation will be a top priority when you arrive in Australia. Learn about banking, superannuation, credit cards, mortgages, and taxes.

Hand placing coin into cheerful blue piggy bank, symbolizing saving money.
Money and checklist icon for financial planning and task management.

Opening A Bank Account

Opening your bank account is one of the first things to do! Did you know you can do this in from home before you move?


Protect your family & wealth with insurance including home, car, income protection, and private health cover.

Modern workspace with insurance document, laptop, and green plant.
Tax preparation essentials on marble: TAXES sign, forms, and orange calculator.


Tax in Australia is high and includes income tax & GST, but supports many free and excellent public services.

Buying A Home

Migrants to Australia dream of owning a home one day. However, property prices remain unrealistically high across the country.

Bright modern kitchen with island, white cabinetry, stainless appliances, and open floor plan.